Free content on record bass fishing, 9 sample chapters, many blogs

The American BeheMouth site contains free content about a world-record sized bass that swims in a private lake (the Area 51 of Bass Fishing). On the Excerpts tab, I have 9 chapters for you to enjoy. I also just finished the draft of new content on Lake Toho from the next book.

You can also read 50% of the book on Google Play!

Sample Chapters to Preview:

New World-Record* Bass

Kentucky Lake

Lake of the Ozarks

Lake Fork

Castaic Lake

Cedar Lake, Illinois

Building the “Lake of Dreams”

The Greatest Bass Fishery Ever

new draft about Lake Toho!

Enjoy the free content. If you like it, you can purchase the full story in paperback or in EBook format.

Also, here’s the blog on many topics about bass fishing and the “Lake of Dreams.”