Book Chronicles Raising Record* 27-Pound Bass

Everyone dreams of landing a world-record fish, and some have even tried to raise the record. A new book chronicles how one man raised and caught a 27-pound bass in a spring-fed, temperature-controlled man-made 70-acre lake.

“Many question the ethics behind raising a fish like this just to catch it,” says Jason Covington, author of the book “American BeheMouth,” which gives all the details. “Many fisherman will be searching for this Area 51 of bass fishing.”

Covington’s new book details the years of research that solved age-old fisheries questions with a methodology for growing fish to these proportions. The original quest started some 20 years ago by a fisheries wannabe literature student and his fisheries biologist girlfriend who raised the monster fish. The years of research summarized in this book are something that another fisheries team could duplicate. However, it’s like the stock market insider trading cheats; we can follow their model, but the question is should we?

To get the details on how it was done, read the book “American BeheMouth,” available for sale as an economical EBook on Amazon and in paperback on Amazon’s CreateSpace.

Excerpt of the World-Record* Catch